Course Syllabus

Santa Clara County Office of Education


Santa Clara County Office of Education

Course Syllabus


Welcome to Module 22: California Arts Standards for Public Schools: Resources for Learning and Implementation, an online course for educators to familiarize themselves with new California Arts Standards.

Badged Courses serve two purposes:

  • to provide online options for the teachers (i.e. time, pace, and path).
  • to personalize the learning (provide multiple entry points, focus on choice-based professional learning, matching the skill levels and content areas of the teachers).

Badging Information:

Online Content: This website houses the content of the course. There are multiple modules, each module includes assignments that introduce the topic, with linked articles, videos, and web-tool suggestions. Tasks that require submission of work, as well as sample submissions, are included on the page. Refer to the provided rubric in this syllabus for grading criteria.

Quality of Submitted Work: Review your submissions before uploading them. We expect the submissions to include proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, usage, and word choice. Additionally, check that all included links are properly hyperlinked and are appropriately directed to live and current webpages.

Grading: All submissions receive a pass or no-pass grade. A no-pass grade will include a detailed explanation and suggestions to what is needed to receive a passing grade. As this course is self-paced, there are no due dates, so no need to worry about late work. Contact the facilitator if there is some reason that the modules cannot be completed in a timely manner, and include an anticipatory date of submission (must be within the current school year as courses close on July 31). All work will receive full credit if done in accordance with the rubric. Grading will occur at least once a week, and it is recommended that participants continue to submit work even though there may be ungraded assignments.


SCCOE Online Assignment Rubric 

(for all written and multimedia submissions)


The entry:


meets all components of the prompt and references module content with depth and clarity. 


includes deep thinking about the topic.


represents my personal views and perspective.


represents consideration for grammar and mechanics. 


Academic Integrity: It is expected that participants submit their own work at all times. Although collaboration is a valued skill, all work in this course must be done independently, unless it is specified otherwise in the assignment. At no time may participants submit work that has been in some part produced by another, unless it is specified otherwise in the assignment. All copyright laws must be adhered to, including the citing of sources.

Shared Work: Excellent examples of work submitted as evidence may be shared with a broader community. If you prefer not to have your work shared, email your facilitator to opt out.  In order to comply with online safety protocols, be sure you have permission to use student photos and do not include any personally identifiable student information.

Contact: Your submissions will be uploaded to Canvas. Canvas will also serve as the main form of communication. Any emailing between the facilitator and participants will take place within the Canvas Inbox. 

Facilitators: Your facilitators for this course are:

Office Hours: Virtual office hours can be arranged via Zoom / Google Hangout Meet at a time mutually agreed upon by the facilitator and the participant(s).

Technical Requirements: Participants should have access to an updated web browser and the ability to use web tools that use audio and video content. Below are suggested browsers and media players to consider, depending on the computer being used.

Player and Reader Download Links:

Browser Download Links:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due